Top 10 Mind Blowing Facts About Our Space

 1. Scientists found the safest place for life in the Milky Way is about 26,000 light-years from its center. Shown here, Mars at left and Milky Way's galactic center low over the southern horizon of Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Alberta, in the summer of 2018.

2. A new theory holds that Earth might have received the elements it needed for life to form from a massive collision with a Mars-sized planet.

3. If Earth stops rotating suddenly and you're not belted to Earth's surface you would fly East at 465 meters per second and instantly.

4. A study suggests that when a Mars sized object named Theia collided with Earth, the resulting debris cloud formed not one but two Moons. Which then Merged and form the beautiful Moon we see today.

5. Mars is the only planet other than the Earth that has features that look like they were eroded by water flow.

6. This image taken by Nasa's perseverance rover and in this image we can see something which look like rainbow. A prerequisite for rainbows is naturally rains and sunlight on Earth but the thin Martian atmosphere is far dryer than Earth's. Therefore it's surely not a rainbow, so is it a dustbow?

7. Astronomers have detected X-rays from Uranus for the first time. This result may help scientists learn more about this enigmatic ice giant planet in our solar system.

8. This image shows supernova remnant SN 1006: When the explosion of a star was seen over 1000 years ago, it was brighter than Venus and visible during the day for weeks. It was the brightest supernova ever recorded on Earth.

9. Jupiter has two magnetic south poles with one near its geographic south pole, and another nicknamed the "Great Blue Spot" near its equator. In this image, blue spots show the south poles while the red shows the north pole.

10. Astronomers have detected highest energy light ever being emitted from the Milky Way galaxy that could possibly change laws of physics.



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