Sudarshan Chakra

The word Sudarshan Chakra is derived from two words, 'su' and 'darshan'. It means the vision (Darshan) which is auspicious (Su). The word chakra is derived 'chruhu', which means movement and 'kruhu', which means to do.

The Sudarshan Chakra is the only devine weapon which is constantly in motion. It could perform millions of rotation every second and has capability to travel several million Yojanas (1 Yojanas = 12km) at the blink of eye. It is not thrown, but with willpower, it is sent against the enemy.

 As written above Sudarshan Chakra is thrown and controlled by the person will power. You can understand it has the modern day telepathy, you might have heard this word in science fiction movies, controlling things with the power of mind. So here controlling and throwing the Sudarshan Chakra by will power is something like telepathy, not exactly telepathy but something similar to that.

In Tamil, the Sudarshan Chakra is called as the "Chakkrath Azhwar" meaning ring or circlet of God.
The Chakri Dynasty, the current ruling house of Thailand, is named after this weapon.

In the Vedic period, the Sudarshan Chakra was regarded as Lord Vishnu's symbol of the wheel of time. However, by the late mediaeval period, Sudarshan Chakra emerged as "Ayudha Purush" representing a fierce form of Lord Vishnu and was regarded as the weapon of the destruction of the enemies.


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